“Red Hunt” Begins:
Written By: Daniel and David Patino
Illustrated By: Jarret Katz
Colored By: Irene Kriger
Lettered By: Priscilla Pri
The only three Certainties in life are Death, Taxes, and Monsters. – Benjamin Franklin
Accordingly, people die, the government taxes, and Blooders… Well, Blooders hunt monsters.
Wherever the stench of blood and bowel reeks. Wherever ordinary men tremble and fall to their knees, begging for their God to save them. Wherever hell meets the earth and the devil himself throws open his blasted gates. That’s where you’ll find us.
Some call us Demons paradin’ around in human flesh. Others call us Human… enough. And the desperate? The desperate call us saviors, framed in the blood soaked visage of horror and nightmares made real.
Make what you will of folks’ fancy dispositions, either way, wont change much. When the terrors of the night are at your doorstep you’ll still cry out all the same. And if your money’s good, I’ll be there. A cold calculated answer to humanities harshest problems. That’s what we are. That’s, what I Am.
A weapon, a hunter, a killer.
–“Red” Roone Adams
Dedicated to Ged. My friend, my muse, my brother. Without you this story would’nt exist. I’m thankful for your influence in my life every single day